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Support Questions / EthernetIPforSLCMicroCom Conect to Micrologix 1400
« Last post by Fer-Vargas on January 30, 2024, 04:38:16 PM »
I Have been reading the question and post, and I know this may be an old question for all.

Could you please help me understand how to use EthernetIPforSLCMicroCom or send me a manual to read?

I am trying to connect to a Micro 1400 and it shows me that I have an error, with the connection regarding either the IP of plc Issue or the Port number on the driver.

Also If you help me understand if on the reader I can ask for the address ("N19:0")? or if I need to use a specific address for those registers?

That's good to know. I will get the latest version and try again. I post here if the new version works for me.

Thank you for the advice!
The version of the dll is when I look at the properties.
That's quite an older version. If you email sales at, and give your order number or email in which it was registered, you can get the latest version that won't give an exception.
The version of the dll is when I look at the properties.
What version of the ClxDriver are you using? I want to make sure I test in the same version because an un-catchable exception should not be thrown.
I'm using the ClxDriver and I create a new connection like this:

Code: [Select]
_CLXDriver = new ClxDriver.EthernetIPforCLX
CIPConnectionSize = 508,
DisableMultiServiceRequest = false,
DisableSubscriptions = false,
IPAddress = ClientIP,
PollRateOverride = 500,
Port = 44818,
ProcessorSlot = 0,
RoutePath = null,
Timeout = 4000,
UseOmronRead = false

I wan't to make a class that automatically connects to the PLC when it is available, keeps retrying to connect when the PLC is not available and publishes an event when the connection changes. I subscribe to the following events:

Code: [Select]
_CLXDriver.ConnectionEstablished += OnConnectionEstablished;
_CLXDriver.ComError += OnConnectionLost;
_CLXDriver.ConnectionClosed += OnConnectionClosed;

The problem is that "ConnectionEstablished" does not fire if there is no Read called. So just creating the "ClxDriver.EthernetIPforCLX" object and waiting for "ConnectionEstablished" to fire whenever the PLC is booted up doesn't work since it never fires. If I do a read when the PLC is booted up it does fire, but if I do a read when the PLC is not booted up, an unhandled "System.Net.Sockets.SocketException" is thrown that I cannot catch since it is thrown on a different thread. So how can I know when the PLC is connected and how can I wait indefinately for a PLC to connect to?

Support Questions / Re: basic label or other help
« Last post by NotGnu on January 20, 2024, 01:42:37 PM »
Thank you so much.
If I lose you, I am effed.
Support Questions / Re: basic label or other help
« Last post by Archie on January 20, 2024, 11:34:05 AM »
Use HighlightColor, HighlightForecolor, and PLCAddressHighlight
Support Questions / Re: basic label or other help
« Last post by NotGnu on January 19, 2024, 03:33:28 PM »
Thank you very much for the quick reply.
It worked perfectly.
But, I am having trouble changing the background and text color.
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