The steps to run AHMI directly on the Pi can be seen here: doing this test you would actually learn how to run any AHMI project directly on the Pi. If you decide not to go ahead with this, I will understand and bug somebody else to try it.
If you already have mono-complete and mono-vbnc installed on the Pi then you can just follow steps 8, 9 and 10.
The solution that you downloaded is set to have pins 18 and 22 as inputs, pins 11, 13, 15 and 16 as outputs. If your Pi is setup differently then I can modify the solution or just let you know of how to do it.
This program, when run, should have output pins "high" if both inputs are "low" (check the AHMI screen since it shows how the pins are organized).
Let me know if you DON'T feel like doing this or if you decide to go ahead then what other info I would need to provide.