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Topics - drumsticksplinter

Pages: [1]

Hopefully someone will be able to offer some advice please?

I'm communicating to a Click plc using Modbus RTU. I have my vb project reading and writing to the registers in the plc just fine. However, I need to be able to write a int32 value to the plc and I get an overflow error when trying to do so. I'm sending the value of a numeric up down box to what Click plc's call an "I2" register (2 word integer):

Code: [Select]
Dim Total_Counts As Int32 = TotalCounts.Value
Mainform.ModbusRTUCom1.Write(449153, Total_Counts)

I presume that the overflow error is because I'm trying to write to a Int16 with a Int32? Is it possible to write long numbers at all?



Pages: [1]