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Messages - sirius0

Pages: [1]
Support Questions / Re: Managing a transfer to a new PC?
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:42:35 AM »
Hmm. Well the files with their text are there but studio only displays an empty view with the background colour.
Visual studio does display them if I directly double click the .vb file but it does not display them when I call them up from solution explorer in the project.

Support Questions / Managing a transfer to a new PC?
« on: January 03, 2017, 11:09:43 PM »
My development PC fell over. I copied the whole folders for several projects to a memory stick; installed MSVisual Studio community edition and Advanced HMI. For some reason I cannot see the .vb pages? I get the design view but not the code.
Have I messed up the path perhaps?
Thank you.
Regards Chris

Support Questions / Re: Key pad location
« on: August 22, 2016, 03:14:06 AM »
Hi Archie,
Thank you! Worked like a charm. I see from the 'IF' set up i could likely have a different position for the alphanumeric as opposed to the numeric. Yes; might as well contribute!
The below allows for a different position for the numeric keypad and an alphanumeric keypad.

Code: [Select]
If m_KeypadAlphaNumeric Then
                    KeypadPopUp = New MfgControl.AdvancedHMI.Controls.AlphaKeyboard(m_KeypadWidth)
                    KeypadPopUp.StartPosition = Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.Manual
                    KeypadPopUp.Location = New Point(200, 571)

                    KeypadPopUp = New MfgControl.AdvancedHMI.Controls.Keypad(m_KeypadWidth)
                    KeypadPopUp.StartPosition = Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.Manual
                    KeypadPopUp.Location = New Point(832, 571)
End if

This leads to four more questions:
1. How do i make a Code Select box? Ahh got it! :)
2. Is there a way to make the keypad a dragable/movable box?
3. I get the impression from bachphi (thank you) that we don't have to use the keypad; how is this done?
4. How do i get the label currently being entered via the keypad or otherwise to highlight so the user does not lose where they are at?

Support Questions / Key pad location
« on: August 19, 2016, 02:32:46 AM »
Hi All,
First post :-) Been living the dream with AdvancedHMI thank you Archie!

is it possible to locate the keypad elsewhere on the screen? As being in the middle has my user forgetting what they are editing!
is it possible to have it as a movable object?

Location is an instance of iKeypad but i can't seem to get how to assign a point to it.
Thank you

Pages: [1]