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Messages - Peter_Frick

Pages: [1]
Support Questions / Re: Visual Studio 2005
« on: October 04, 2016, 07:08:01 PM »
Thanks Archie - I will look to update the version on the server. As mentioned before, very impressed - I don't think I have ever had a screen or project up and running 10 minutes after installing the software and having never used it before.

Support Questions / Visual Studio 2005
« on: October 04, 2016, 06:55:59 PM »
Hi - first time using AdvancedHMI and within 10 minutes had what I wanted running on my laptop. Very impressed. Then went to roll it out onto a server for deployment and found out that it was running Visual Studio 2005 and updating it will not be straight forward. So I am getting the message "The selected file is a solution file, but was created by a newer version of this application and cannot be opened."
Is there a workaround for this or an older version of Advanced HMI? I am running Visual Studio Express 2012 on my laptop.


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