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Messages - bcoop

Pages: [1]
did that, and the basic label reads the value,
looked a little deeper and found that all values read write or read only have their "PLCAddressValue" property cleared,
where the "PLCAddressKeypad" remains set to its original value. 
not sure how this occurred,   but at least I now know how to resolve the issue.

thankyou Archie for guiding me to this,  but still not sure how all 183 analog values lost their  "PLCAddressValue" property


yes, just saved off the project yesterday before this happened,  I added  .NET  installer setup project to the solution so I could create an installer for the app.  program worked fine after this, the installer that worked too,  restarted VS this morning and this issue appeared, the complied installed app still worked but  not running inside VS I had no word data, only bools  I have tried deleting the ModbusTCP driver and reinserting it,  tried removing the installer project and a few other things without success. I'm stumped

Thanks Archie, Tried reducing it down to 5 and also tried increasing it to 30, neither made any change.

Same Project - Have developed a problem using Modbus/TCP driver,  all of a sudden, only bools are able to read write.  the analog valves (reals and ints) have stopped functioning,  went back to an older backup and all works fine,
any ideas would could be happening  ?


Thanks for the info, I have been doing some searches today, lots of info on here.
appreciate the help


Archie, thank you very much, that did it.   40001@F
can this documentation be found somewhere ?


I am working with a Automation Direct Productivity P1-540 PLC Trying to read / write a 32bit Float, 
16bit integers are working fine,  I have tried changing swap bytes and swap words in the Modbus TCP Driver in all combination without success. I have used a test client and was able to read the float at the plc correctly
it appears its in Little-Endian Word swap format, but can not seem to get it to work in AdvHMI.
I have downloaded AdvancedHMIv399yBeta38 and previously tried AdvancedHMIv399xR1

Any Help would be greatly appreciated,


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