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Messages - zaym84

Pages: [1]
Support Questions / Re: Modbus RTU - KOYO PLC
« on: May 16, 2016, 08:09:27 PM »
Momentarily set it while holding the button down

Support Questions / Re: Modbus RTU - KOYO PLC
« on: May 11, 2016, 08:02:45 PM »
I still cannot get a basic button to set C1 in the PLC,
In the PLC program I have C1 setting the Y1 coil on and I want to use C2 to reset the coil to off
C1 is address as 16385 so I set PLCAddressClick (in HMI) to 016385
and when I click the button nothing happens....

The one thing i find strange is when I set the same basic button to the Y1 (008193) and run the program when i click the button the Y1 output coil will turn on but only for a split second.

Am I over looking something?
I have the modbusRTUcom1 driver setup as follows:
BaudRate                     38400
databits                        8
disablesubscriptions     False
DenerateMenber           True
MaxReadGroupSize      20
Modifiers                      Friends
Party                            Odd
PoolRateOverride         500
PortName                    COM4 (same com i program the PLC with)
StationAddress           1
StopBits                     One
SwapBits                    True
TimeOut                     5000

Support Questions / Re: Modbus RTU - KOYO PLC
« on: May 09, 2016, 10:27:19 AM »
Thanks for getting back with me !!!

I believe I understand how to the addressing works now and will give it a try when i get off work today.
In Advance HMI when setting lets say a button up with the PLC address what are the different attributes for:


Support Questions / Re: Modbus RTU - KOYO PLC
« on: May 07, 2016, 09:16:57 AM »
I have read though all the ModBus RTU addressing i could find and maybe I am missing something but i cannot get a simple button to work with C1 in my Click PLC.
I made a simple program that turns on Y1  and leave it on when I press an external button (X1), I replace the X1 with C1 and would like to use a simple button in HMI to turn on Y1. C1 had the address of 16385 (01,05,15)
can someone tell me what address I should enter to have HMI set C1 to true? And where would put the address?

Support Questions / Re: HMI-PLC Compatability
« on: December 04, 2013, 01:06:50 PM »
I have a Automationdirect Click PLC (C0-02DR-D)
I would like to use AdvanceHMI with this PLC, the plc from what I understand it uses Modbus RTU protocol for communication over a COM connection. I know how to get the programs I want onto the PLC but I am not sure how to get AdavanceHMI to talk to the PLC. if it can at all...
Just looking for a starting point...


Pages: [1]