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Messages - MrOverCast

Pages: [1]
Open Discussion / Re: Advanced HMI doesn't like decimals?
« on: June 28, 2024, 02:52:53 AM »
Enabling or disabling byte and / or word swap in the driver itself should only be done if your BasicLabel displays incorrect values (which don't match what's in the PLC).

I think that there should be only 1 correct combination that produces correct values (not a 100% sure about this).

Also, check the following topic about formatting the text in the BasicLabel:

Perfect! thanks this solved all my problems. Now its displaying the value I want!

Thanks guys for all the help

Open Discussion / Re: Advanced HMI doesn't like decimals?
« on: June 28, 2024, 12:15:46 AM »
MrOverCast, you should expand your testing and include more BasicLabel controls to cover surrounding addresses as well.

With 3 labels you can have each poll separate address, like F40013 and F40014 and F40015 just to see if any label might show a correct value.
The same goes for F40021 address.

You would be reading values only, so this should not affect your VFD at any time.

"like F40013 and F40014 and F40015 just to see if any label might show a correct value."

Duh I should've thought of that, Sorry I got it to work now. But for some reason it doesnt display it as a 4 digit value like how its shown in D22 It hops around from 2.90 to 3.30 then to 3.55555 then back to 3.60

I know it seems like a really dumb and petty issue but im using this to display a current value from a VFD and I don't want it to display as single digits such as 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc

Edit: enabling swap and word bytes seems to make it a constant 6 digit number. 3.55555 4.00000 etc

Open Discussion / Re: Advanced HMI doesn't like decimals?
« on: June 26, 2024, 09:51:29 PM »
Are you using 3.99x or 3.99y ? @F only works in 3.99y

Try F40014

I went ahead and tried F40014 and I get this weird number
Im also using D21 so I changed it to F40021, Also im using 3.99X hopefully this image works

Open Discussion / Re: Advanced HMI doesn't like decimals?
« on: June 26, 2024, 08:54:20 PM »
PLCAddressClick only takes booleans unless you are wanting to write a fixed value to the LC upon clicking the control

My bad I meant PLCaddressValue

Open Discussion / Re: Advanced HMI doesn't like decimals?
« on: June 26, 2024, 04:25:27 PM »
In the plc the value is listed as a decimal, if that was you where asking. I was using address 400014, when you said 40001@F am I putting 1@F in with 4000 the PLCaddressvalue?
If it is encoded as a 4 byte real inside the PLC, 400014@F will tell the driver that. Otherwise, it is interpreted as a 2 byte integer

I tried to put 400014@F in the PLCaddressClick and I got an invalid error

Open Discussion / Re: Advanced HMI doesn't like decimals?
« on: June 25, 2024, 01:52:15 AM »
In the plc the value is listed as a decimal, if that was you where asking. I was using address 400014, when you said 40001@F am I putting 1@F in with 4000 the PLCaddressvalue?

Open Discussion / Re: Advanced HMI doesn't like decimals?
« on: June 23, 2024, 05:55:46 AM »
Guess im using the newest version of AdvancedHMI, Modbus RTU, and yes I basically use the basic label for everything. Im using it with gx developer as well as with a FX3U plc

Open Discussion / Advanced HMI doesn't like decimals?
« on: June 23, 2024, 02:59:46 AM »
Hey guys

I was messing around with AdvancedHMI and I made it so that it displays current draw from a VFD. I can make any number to show but when I change the programming in the PLC to current . decimal AdvancedHMI goes out of wack and displays some weird numbers. Is this just a bug or something?

Heres an example


13.400 AMPS advanced HMI doesnt like this format

Open Discussion / Re: Problem With PLCaddressclick
« on: June 17, 2024, 12:57:07 AM »
After days of fiddling I was finally able to make this program come to life, Thanks I really appreciate it, I was stuck scratching my head for months. Also its a bit weird because if im using something like M25 sometimes I have to put 000024 or 000025 to get it to work. It also sucks because I have more questions about some of the tools in this program and I would have to make a ton of new topics to get the answered. Like for example the keyboardimput tool. If there is a way to set a max value that can be inputted.

Open Discussion / Problem With PLCaddressclick
« on: June 09, 2024, 08:27:54 PM »
Hey guys

A little new to this forum, glad to be here.

Anyways I downloaded AdvancedHMI and I was recently messing with it with my Mitsubishi FX3U PLC, I am using Modbus RTU two wire. The problem im having is I cannot find the correct PLC address for what I am trying to do. for example If I put 0013 into PLCaddressClick of the basicbutton it toggles Y3 in the PLC, Then I if I change it to something like 0012 It latched some random relay Like M62 In the PLC. My point is it seems like its just writing to some random memory in the PLC. Does anybody know how I can find what address goes to what device in the PLC instead of guessing? Im completely lost here and not even people in the automation industry can help me.  :-\

Also im using GX developer 8 

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