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Messages - Bob 1

Pages: [1]
Support Questions / Re: Click plc modbus rtu connection
« on: August 24, 2014, 08:20:20 PM »
Yes it sure was thanks for helping me out! This program works flawlessly for what I'm doing. Thanks alot!

Support Questions / Re: Click plc modbus rtu connection
« on: August 23, 2014, 10:13:24 PM »
Thanks for the quick reply!  The only problem is I can't read or write if I try to write is said make sure the baud rate is correct and it is then if I try the panel meter it says incorrect value returned I don't know what to do I keep trying but I'm probably missing something little. Btw is the port name the same as tje name in the modbusrtu properties?Thanks!

Support Questions / Click plc modbus rtu connection
« on: August 23, 2014, 05:34:42 PM »
Hello all,
I'm new to the forum and new to modbus in general. I've been keeping up on the updates for advanced hmi and I still can't seem to get anything to work! Can someone that has a click or understands the setup help me because I have no idea. I know that you use the address picker, find the bit and when you go to advanced what plc address is it? I need like a general setup for the advanced hmi. This is for a home project not in the biggest hurry but I want to figure it out and its got me flustered.  By the way the Com port on my PC is 3. Thanks in advance!

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