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Messages - Godra

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 96
Support Questions / Re: SimpleLEDMultiColor text change based off value
« on: December 27, 2024, 05:01:13 PM »
That does not seem to be an option available in the SimpleLEDMultiColor but you could possibly enable showing the current value and build your logic around those values.

To actually associate a value with some specific text maybe try using the PolledDataReturned and the Text property of the LED.

It all sounds a bit tricky but could be doable provided that you can code in VB (or just look up some code in the forum).

Does that mean that your issue is resolved or is it still weird when connected to the PLC?

You should not limit yourself to testing only what Archie suggested but possibly expand it to other combinations, like 123-0.00-0.01 and others.

As for my test, what values did you get at 400006 and 400007 and 400008?

With this Archie's suggestion, if you don't get any weird results then it might be just the wrong PLC address.

One way to do a test could be to do the following:

- Download fresh copy of AHMI and start a new project
- Add Modbus TCP driver and point it to whatever IP address you are already using
- Add only 9 BasicLabels to the form and address them like this:
    400006    L400006    F400006
    400007    L400007    F400007
    400008    L400008    F400008

If any of these labels shows the expected value, with or without decimal point, then focus on that label and then try NumericFormat and ValueScaleFactor on it.

If all this sounds too complex then just ignore it.

Since you are getting weird results all together, I am thinking that there might be some corruption on your computer or in your program or with cabling.

I could be wrong as well.

What numbers do you get if you don't use NumericFormat and change ValueScaleFactor to 0.1 and then 0.01?

400007 register should be integer value and I would expect BasicLabel to show 256 instead of 256.0 (I might be wrong about this).

Are you using Modbus TCP or serial driver?

Just so you don't feel stuck with this issue, there is usually a few more things you can try:

- What numbers do you get if you don't use NumericFormat and keep ValueScaleFactor at 1
- Use a copy of your program and some Modbus simulator, point your program to it and then keep changing values in the simulator to see how they reflect in your program (and even with different NumericFormat and ValueScaleFactor)

Open Discussion / Re: Advanced HMI on Linux?
« on: November 26, 2024, 06:12:16 PM »
It is a bit puzzling why users don't check and re-read their posts afterwards.

This way they would make sure that everything is still there and if necessary correct any spelling mistakes or even add a bit more description.

Open Discussion / Re: Advanced HMI on Linux?
« on: November 25, 2024, 01:07:53 PM »
It might have been deliberate post, just to confuse people.

Another wild guess is that it is actually a statement looking for someone else to complete it, like:

Running Advanced HMI on Linux might be tricky since it ... requires eggs and bacon for breakfast to start the day
                                                                                ... has fallen down the rabbit hole in the matrix
                                                                                ... requires a divine intervention

Just to continue this self-promotion started in my previous post but still relevant to this topic, there is now a new viewer / converter which I call IMG2MESH and it can be seen here:

It is specifically designed to convert loaded image to a basic 3D mesh which can then be exported as an animated GIF or PNG file (rely on the bounding 500 x 500 pixels rectangle in the center of the screen for sizing and positioning the mesh - this rectangle should be visible when exporting). Also, hover the mouse over controls to see a popup description of any viewer's control.

Basic mouse functionality in the viewer: scroll button will zoom in/out, left button click-hold-drag will rotate the mesh, right button click-hold-drag will position the mesh.

There is a bunch of supported image formats but the best effect is achieved with images that have built-in transparency. Check the attached picture of the AHMI Logo.

If exporting to animated PNG file then try setting some background in the viewer by using the "BGND" button (might help to avoid some artifacts appearing due to motion and transparency). Also try it without a background for comparison.

As stated previously, use ezgif to manipulate the exported animated GIF or PNG file.

I doubt that anyone is going to provide any direct solution for you, mainly because of the fact that you are trying to create a custom control.

Since you are the only person who knows your setup and your code then it's only you who can solve this.
Just make sure to test your solution thoroughly before you deploy it.

If you can stick with using the GroupBox that might just produce the least headache.

Maybe also check the following topic to see if it might help you any:

Additional Components / Re: Ping Button
« on: October 03, 2024, 12:22:16 PM »
I wouldn't be looking to update this control any further but this should not prevent you or anyone else from trying to modify it.

Since the IP addresses are in the control's IPAddressCollection property then see if you could manipulate the code to actually populate this list with the entries from ini file.

Another option could be to use the enabled property and disable the button, maybe change its text to something else while it is disabled.

See this topic and its "Event - Mouse Down" section that disables the button (Reply #6):

Open Discussion / Re: Advanced HMI doesn't like decimals?
« on: June 28, 2024, 02:46:51 AM »
Enabling or disabling byte and / or word swap in the driver itself should only be done if your BasicLabel displays incorrect values (which don't match what's in the PLC).

I think that there should be only 1 correct combination that produces correct values (not a 100% sure about this).

Also, check the following topic about formatting the text in the BasicLabel:

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