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Messages - rexlee

Pages: [1]
Open Discussion / Re: Arduino & RS485
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:00:44 AM »
You are saying that your dongle is a fully fledged USB-RS485, whereas mine is one that I cobbled up with the modules that I had!  Good point!
I will order some USB-RS485 dongles & keep my fingers cross that all the magic happens in the module.
This will take a week or two as they come from China & I will be on the road for two weeks heading for my two month fishing holiday in Far North Oz.

Open Discussion / Re: Arduino & RS485
« on: April 27, 2015, 01:27:17 AM »
Thanks neptun 2002.
Th eproblem is not with the slavesWhen they reply, they assert a pin, which enables their RS485 transceiver.
The problem is the transceiver associated with the Master Ie. the PC
The PC uses a USB to TTL convertor which then connects to a TTL to RS485. convertor.
The RS485 data transceiver needs to get a TX enable signal from the RTS line to enable transmission.

With other VB applications where I have used a COM control, there was a property RTS ON TX, but I do not see such a property on the AdvancedHMI control and the RTS is definitively not being asserted when the AdvancedHNI application polls the slaves.

A possible work around at this stage appears to be to wire-OR the slaves RTS /transmit enables together & let the complement of that drive the transmit enable of the master.   However, that is not elegant and requires additional wires & logic, when the solution lies at the master end to implement RTS.
Have I got how AdvancedHMI works wrong?? :-[


PS My application is a two marine engine monitoring system.  (Main engine & generator set)

Open Discussion / Arduino & RS485
« on: April 25, 2015, 11:58:24 PM »
I have an Arduino master & three slaves using RS485 and the Arduino libraries & that works fine/
I want to replace the Master with AdvancedHMI.  I have a USB dongle connected to the RS485 interface and am using RTS to control the RS485 transceiver, but it seems to me that AdvancedHMI does not support RTS ???????
I thought that there might be a property for RTS control but,  there is none.
How can I get AdvancedHMI control the RS495 transceiver.
Thanks in advance for ideas & help.

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