I know that the OPC-DA SDK is finicky but I wanted to throw this out there for future consideration.
Now that we are in this calamity of IoT, more and more devices are turning on to OPC-UA. There are some open source projects out there and SDKs to add OPC-UA to a .NET project. I have not attempted to integrate it into AdvancedHMI yet. I haven’t had any downtime to give it a try.
If OPC-UA could be added to AdvancedHMI, that would mean that every single PLC in my plant could be connected to an AdvancedHMI app. As well as newer devices that are coming out.
The OPC-DA driver it has now doesn’t seem to work correctly with all servers. Or at least with a B&R plc.
This PLC can do ModbusTCP, explicit EIP, Powerlink, OPC-DA, and OPC-UA. As well as HTTP and TCP/UDP.
Just a suggestion...