Here is the BasicButton usage in short (for some of its properties):
PLCAddressClick: tell the button what address in PLC it should change after you click the button.
OutputType: set to what you need the button to do to the above address (either write True value or write False value or toggle between the two with each click of a button or write specific value from the ValueToWrite property or temporarily set True or False value while the button is pressed).
PLCAddressText: the PLC address set in here will replace the Text property with its value
PLCAddressHighlight: the PLC address set here will turn the Highlight ON (when True) or OFF (when False)
PLCAddressSelectTextAlternate: the PLC address set here will, when its value is True, override the button's Text property with the value specified in the TextAlternate property
PLCAddressVisible: the PLC address set here will, when its value is True, make the button visible and when its value is False it will make the button invisible