Cant see port property here;
#region Assembly AdvancedHMIDrivers.dll, v1.0.0.0
// C:\Users\Volkan\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\PLC_TEST\PLC_TEST\lib\AdvancedHMIDrivers.dll
using MfgControl.AdvancedHMI.Drivers;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace AdvancedHMIDrivers
public class EthernetIPforCLXComm : Component, IComComponent
public EthernetIPforCLXComm();
public EthernetIPforCLXComm(IContainer container);
public bool AsyncMode { get; set; }
public bool DisableSubscriptions { get; set; }
public string IPAddress { get; set; }
[Category("Communication Settings")]
public int PollRateOverride { get; set; }
public int ProcessorSlot { get; set; }
public object SynchronizingObject { get; set; }
public event EthernetIPforCLXComm.PLCCommEventHandler DataReceived;
public event EventHandler UnsolictedMessageRcvd;
public static string DecodeMessage(int msgNumber);
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing);
public CLXTag[] GetTagList();
// Summary:
// Synchronous read of any data type this function returns results as a string
// Parameters:
// startAddress:
public string ReadAny(string startAddress);
public string[] ReadAny(string startAddress, int numberOfElements);
// Summary:
// Convert a string to an array of words Can be used when writing a string into
// an integer data table
// Parameters:
// source:
public static int[] StringToWords(string source);
public int Subscribe(string PLCAddress, short numberOfElements, int PollRate, IComComponent.ReturnValues CallBack);
public int UnSubscribe(int ID);
// Summary:
// Convert an array of integers to a string This is used when storing strings
// in an integer data table
// Parameters:
// words:
public static string WordsToString(int[] words);
// Summary:
// Convert an array of integers to a string This is used when storing strings
// in an integer data table
// Parameters:
// words:
// index:
public static string WordsToString(int[] words, int index);
// Summary:
// Convert an array of integers to a string This is used when storing strings
// in an integer data table
// Parameters:
// words:
// index:
// wordCount:
public static string WordsToString(int[] words, int index, int wordCount);
// Summary:
// Write a single floating point value to a data table The startAddress is in
// the common form of AB addressing (e.g. F8:0)
// Parameters:
// startAddress:
// dataToWrite:
public int WriteData(string startAddress, float dataToWrite);
// Summary:
// Write a single integer value to a PLC data table The startAddress is in the
// common form of AB addressing (e.g. N7:0)
// Parameters:
// startAddress:
// dataToWrite:
public int WriteData(string startAddress, int dataToWrite);
// Summary:
// Write a string value to a string data table The startAddress is in the common
// form of AB addressing (e.g. ST9:0)
// Parameters:
// startAddress:
// dataToWrite:
public string WriteData(string startAddress, string dataToWrite);
// Summary:
// Write multiple consectutive floating point values to a PLC data table The
// startAddress is in the common form of AB addressing (e.g. F8:0)
// Parameters:
// startAddress:
// numberOfElements:
// dataToWrite:
public int WriteData(string startAddress, int numberOfElements, float[] dataToWrite);
// Summary:
// Write multiple consectutive integer values to a PLC data table The startAddress
// is in the common form of AB addressing (e.g. N7:0)
// Parameters:
// startAddress:
// numberOfElements:
// dataToWrite:
public int WriteData(string startAddress, int numberOfElements, int[] dataToWrite);
public delegate void PLCCommErrorEventHandler(object sender, PLCCommErrorEventArgs e);
public delegate void PLCCommEventHandler(object sender, PLCCommEventArgs e);
public delegate void ReturnValues(string Values);