I am using OpcDaCom as my driver to talk to Red Lion's OPCWorx server. OPCWorx is currently talking with 2 different Red Lion HMIs in two different remote locations and sending data to my Visual Basic application which displays various data from the Red Lion HMIs. Should I be using two different instances of OpcDaCom, one for each Red Lion? I am currently using only one and it is working. I am getting ready to connect two more Red Lion HMIs and display data from them as well. My network is not the fastest as it uses multiple mediums and I will need to "wait" a little bit longer for connections to come alive so I am thinking I need to add more instances of OpcDaCom to accomplish this.
If I need to add more instances, where in the OpcDaCom.vb code is the best place to "wait" and give the connection time to be established. When I tried to connect to a third Red Lion HMI I got a "Failed OPC Subscription Start" which I suspect is due to a slow network speed.
To summarize: use multiple instances of OpcDaCom? Where in OpcDaCom.vb should I "wait" for a slower connection to be established?
Thx, Chris