It is kind of possible to get AHMI run in the Internet browser, a combination of WPF and VB Net (or C#) as per these instructions: final AHMI screen is interactive but the drivers seem to be blocked by the browser.For this to work, as in the attached picture, I also had to:
- remove AdvancedHMIcs project from the solution
- choose WPF browser app for VB instead of for C#
- convert the author's Page1 code from C# to VB Net and then comment out the namespace
- set all other projects to target Net Framework 4.5
- reference all these AHMI projects in the WPFHost project and also include AHMI dll references
- change the AdvancedHMI project's compile option for Target CPU from x86 to AnyCPU
- set the AdvancedHMI project's security to full trust
- un-check the WPFHost project's publish option to use ".deploy" file extensions
Currently, it seems to work fine with the Internet Explorer browser while Google Chrome only offered to save the file (the author of the article used Mozilla Firefox browser).
Just an attempt to bring AHMI closer to possibly being run remotely via web.
Here is Page1.xaml.vb code (converted and modified from the original):
Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Forms.Integration
Imports MfgControl.AdvancedHMI
''' <summary>
''' Interaction logic for Page1.xaml
''' </summary>
Public Class Page1
Inherits Page
Private mainForm As MainForm = New MainForm
Public Sub New()
windowsFormsHost.Width = Me.mainForm.Width
windowsFormsHost.Height = Me.mainForm.Height
Me.mainForm.TopLevel = False
windowsFormsHost.Child = Me.mainForm
End Sub
End Class