First of all, great project and solution!
In past I worked a lot with AB ControlLogix and CompactLogix, communicating with HMI Rockwell devices
Now, I want use the AdvancedHMI with a MicroLogix1100 PLC. I read many topics in forum, but I do not find an answers for my questions:
1) MicroLogix documentation, for Ethernet Protocols: "EtherNet/IP messaging only". Explicit or implicit messaging? I need implement MSG instructions in PLC program? Or AdvancedHMI, with EthernetIPforSLCMicroCom driver, establish a CIP communication and read/write variables in PLC withou PLC program?
2) If I use the "EthernetIPforSLCMicroCom" driver I need install a RSLInx Classic in HMI computer?
3) I can connect many PLC MicroLogix1100 in same switch, connected with AdvancedHMI, and use one EthernetIPforSLCMicroCom instance for each?
Thank you,
Best regards