I am trying to get SimpleWebServer to work. I looked on line and it showed how to diagnose connection problems, with a breakpoint. That is well and good if you are debugging the program, but after you have compiled it and try to run it on a different machine, it is a problem. I tried adding a consolewriteline to the SimpleWebServer code as follows.
Dim LocalComputerName As String = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName() '* same as My.Computer.Name
Dim localAddr As System.Net.IPAddress = GetIPv4Address(LocalComputerName)
Console.WriteLine("address ", localAddr)
If localAddr Is Nothing Then
localAddr = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse("")
End If
But I never see anything. I have also tried.
Mainform.RichTextbox3.text=("address ", localAddr)
That gives me errors. Any ideas?