I have a question related to the Generic TCP client component. To give a little background I have been using this component on a test system that consists of 2 computers and a Etherpath SS1 module. One computer which I'll call the sender consists of a PuTTY instance running on a serial connection, connected to the Etherpath module via a null modem connection. The other computer which I'll call the receiver has the AHMI program running with the generic TCP client which grabs data from the putty terminal via ethernet connection to the Etherpath. The system when I test it works perfectly but when I try to implement it into the actual system the GenericTCPclient.datareceived method doesn't interrupt when data is sent. I believe it has to deal with the communication protocol as its an ISO protocol in which there are acknowledgements to specific bits sent. So my actually question would be is if the GenericTCPclient can handle ACK, SYN, STX, ETX, etc. or would there be an issues that would arise when trying to handle these characters?