Author Topic: Event Log  (Read 1265 times)


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Event Log
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:31:03 AM »
Hi All.  I am trying to access an event log in a control panel.  This panel keeps the log stored and I can access it via modbus.  It requires me to write to a register to request the event number i want and the value is returned by another register.  So say I want event 2 then i write a value 2 to register 1 and the value is returned in register 2.  The problem is all values are returned in register 2 so to get more than one event i would need to constantly cycle the value of register 1 between 1 and 99 for all events. I have found that not writing to the panel returns me event 1 always, so I thought it may be best to avoid writing to the register 1 all together and using code "on data change" of a datasubscriber and then if the value of register 2 changes then a different event must be present.  i just need to know how to keep shifting the events i already have read down a line on my event list.  So event 1 is now event 2, replaced by new event read in register2.  Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.