The SendQue (sometimes referred to as a mailbox) holds the packets while they are transmitted one at a time and waits for a response. The ModbusRTU que holds a maximum of 50 packets. If there is no communications and requests continue to be added to the que, the que will rapidly fill up, then give the Send Que Full exception.
The timeout period is dependent on the baud rate, so let's say it calculates to 1 second. After each packet is sent, the driver will wait for 1 second for a response. So if packets are added to the que by a read or write faster than 1 second each while there is no established communications, the que will fill up.
Each driver instance handles it's own subscriptions and the subscriptions updates are only sent one at a time. So if you have 50 driver instances, it can fill the que. Or if you have less driver instances, but read/write in your own code then you can also fill the que.
If you start your application without communications, you can DisableSubscriptions in the driver until you know the driver has established communications.