Whoaaam this WireShark is great.
I was analyzing the command data inside the FINS and I realized that the Basic label was sending a 0xff as the initial address for the writing, but for the reading it was 0x00.
Then I created a button for writing using the .write() with the address modified to w0.0 in stead of w0 and then it works JUST for BITS obviously, so at least I know that I can write and there's no protection.
So, it seems that, as you also wrote (you answer while I was writing), that the problem is the initial address 0xff if we try to write the whole word, but is back to 0x00 when we try to read just one bit.
I also try to write bit 1, and it also worked, 0x01...
By now I can make a for loop to write 1 by 1 all the bits of the word, but I think there must be something more efficient to fix it