Author Topic: Diplaying Thermocouple Input Value in Analog Value or Digital Panel  (Read 774 times)


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Hello Archie.

I was working on a screen to display temperatures of a furnance, We have about 12 thermocouples connected to 3 different input cards on a SLC500. The problem is that even with different addesses on Analog Value & Digital Panel Components the components with the same input Address but diferent slot ex(I13.0 , I13.1, I13.2, I13.3) show the value of only the first address (I13.0). I tried to change to different address with same result. Also i notice that for the control and driver it doesn matter if i put I13 or I13.0 like if it only reads the first value of the Input.

In order to continue with my project i have to make a workaround to show the temperature. What i did is move all my inputs to Integer Memories and read the values from them. It worked but i have to put more ladders, and you know it would be great if you can tell me how i can read the input values directly.

I attach an example of what my problem is, hoping you can help to solve it.

Best Regards.



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Re: Diplaying Thermocouple Input Value in Analog Value or Digital Panel
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2017, 07:25:42 PM »
You can try this patch to see if it takes care of the problem. It is patch 3 for version 3.99v :


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Re: Diplaying Thermocouple Input Value in Analog Value or Digital Panel
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2017, 12:07:00 PM »
It works like charm !!!! You are the best Archie.

I only need to clean solution before compile the project again.



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Re: Diplaying Thermocouple Input Value in Analog Value or Digital Panel
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2017, 01:30:04 PM »
That patch disables the communication optimization, so if you have a lot of controls on a form, it may run slow. A new patch or version update will be available soon that fixes this.