Hello Folks!
I'm currently developping a HMI to control a test bench
I need a multitab hmi that will have the power to activate the diverse form and that will fill the data on the screen
I was thinking to add a vb class to serve as my main controller. so i tried to change the startup form and i don't see my controller class.
I looked around and found that i can't use a vb class without having to comment a lot of things left and right.
Even when i was finally able to use my controller, i was not able to display the Welcome Form.
So here is what i was thinking.
What about i add another project in the Advanced HMI solution so that could be my central contoller and i call the AdvancedHMI for the graphic.
I'm using a couple of backgroundworker to use a CAN dll that i found online.
Do you think its a good idea? Can i do this in a simpler way?
I'm currently working on this and i will take any suggention
Have a nice day!