I have been setting up old PLC's for home automation and monitoring. Currently I have a SLC5/05 and a MicroLogix 1400 connected directly to my network. I have a SLC5/04 connected through a NET-ENI Series D that work fine. I have 2 SLC5/03's connected to Ethernet serial ports that will only allow one computer at a time talk to them, where with Ethernet connections I can have multiple HMI's and programming PC's connected at once.
I just acquired another NET-ENI, but it is a Series A, so I replaced one of the serial ports with it. RSLinx sees it fine, RSLogix connects fine, I can ping the NET-ENI address OK, and if I put the address in Internet Explorer the webpage for it shows - but no matter what I try my HMI project will not see it (RSLinx is turned off)
I have a scaled down AdvancedHMI copy on a Windows 10 tablet that can also see the other PLC's but not this Series A. Is there something about the Series A (other than the 10MEG speed) that Advanced HMI can't talk to, or a different setting or driver? This HMI is written using an older release of AdvancedHMI that I have had for a couple years now (V399a). I just haven't migrated to a newer release because the 2 times I tried it I had problems and ended up staying with the older version)