Open the form, drag a datasubscriber2 to the form. It will get added below the form. Double-click the datasubscriber2 component you just added. VS will add some code for you and open up the code editor. Add this code within, create one for each address you add in the subscriber:
If e.ErrorId = 0 AndAlso e.Values IsNot Nothing AndAlso e.Values.Count > 0 Then
If e.PlcAddress = "North_Trolley_HMI_Position.Output" Then
pnlNorthTrolley.Left = e.Values(0)
pnlNorthTrolleyConv.Left = e.Values(0)
End If
End If
You will need to replace what's in quotes with your address. For each object you want to move on the screen replace everything before ".Left". Depending on how fast you want this object to move, you may want to create another comm driver set to a faster poll rate and point the datasubscriber to this driver.
That's basically it.
Edit, one more thing, you will need to do some scaling to put the object on the correct point(s) on the form. I would scale in the PLC.