Author Topic: Serial port sharing RSLinx, AdvancedHMI  (Read 842 times)

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Serial port sharing RSLinx, AdvancedHMI
« on: July 21, 2021, 12:33:21 PM »
Hi All,
I'm not sure if this should be simple and I am just missing something, or if this is impossible, or someplace in between.
I am trying to use RXLinx and AdvancedHMI at the same time.
1 PC with 1 serial port (COM1) running both AdvancedHMI and RSLinx.
1 Micrologix 1100, also with 1 serial port.

I am using com0com to create virtual serial port pairs.
Trying to use hub4com to share the one physical port.

Following allows RSLinx to function properly, but AdvancedHMI not working:
(sub PLC for GPS)
You have a GPS device that connected to your computer via a phisical COM1
port and you'd like to handle its data by two GPS applications. You can
do it this way:

  1. With the com0com's Setup Command Prompt create COM5<->CNCB0 and
     COM6<->CNCB1 virtual COM port pairs (see com0com's ReadMe.txt for
     more info). For example:

       command> install 0 PortName=COM5 -
       command> install 1 PortName=COM6 -

  2. Start the hub4com.exe on COM1, CNCB0 and CNCB1 ports:

       hub4com \\.\COM1 \\.\CNCB0 \\.\CNCB1

     It will send data received from COM1 port to CNCB0 and CNCB1 ports
     and it will send data received from CNCB0 port to COM1 port.

  3. Start the GPS applications on COM5 and COM6 ports.
Anyone fluent in hub4com, or have another approach?
