I am using AHMI3.87 to communicate to two seperate controllers via modbus TCP. One controller I am communicating just fine, it is connected via 2wire serial to a serial-ethernet(multinet FE) converter at 9600bps. The other is connected via 4 wire serial-ethernet(lantronics) converter at 19.2kbps. The later one will not communicate with AHMI and gives me a msg box that reads "No response from PLC(21)" and the basic label values display "CommFail--20". I am able to use Modscan32 without any issues and can read data just fine. I went ahead and used modsim and AHMI communicates just fine with it. I did previously communicate to the later when I was connected via 2 wire but had too many comm fail messages that I converted back thinking the lantronics converter preferred a 4 wire config. Is the serial configuration an issue, does AHMI care? Thanks