OK, I am not connected to a PLC. This is connected to a control panel for the device I am monitoring. I understand this feature is built into the Modbus driver code and would'nt want to change that. Could you share some code options If I were to use another method (ie. datasubscriber)to check the bit status to blink the indicator.
There is a round about way to do this:
- Add a BasicIndicator, but do not put anything in the PLCAddress properties
- Add a Timer and set the Interval to 500
- Double click the timer to get back to the code
BasicIndicator1.SelectColor2 = NOT BasicIndicator1.Value
- Go back to the form design view
- Add a DataSubscriber and set the PLCAddressValue to your address
- Double click the DataSubscriber to get back to the code
if DataSubscriber1.Value then
end if