Need tips to handle multiple screens. The application has 4 screens; each screen has previous and next buttons to cycle the screens.
1) I am thinking of having a greeting class/screen to instantiate all 4 screens and set visible to false. After a few seconds, greeting screen goes invisible and screen1 is visible. The previous and next buttons will just change the screen visible property.
2) It seems each screen needs to have a modbusTCPCom component, no good. Is it possible to have only one for all the screens to use?
3) The HMI app runs on two computers (local and remote). The local computer can access all r/w Modbus registers, but the remote computer can only access the r Modbus registers. Is there a better way to handle this other than setting all the write PLCAddress to blank?
4) How to get the FormChangeButton control show up on the toolbar?