I'm using two objects of EthernetIPforCLXCom. The two object have the same IP but different ports/slots. Obviously one of them has wrong port number. When I try to use the correct one it returns error.
Is that a bug or this is expected ?
Here is the code:
_clxDriver = new EthernetIPforCLXCom();
_clxDriver2 = new EthernetIPforCLXCom();
_clxDriver.IPAddress = "";
_clxDriver.Port = 44818;
_clxDriver.ProcessorSlot = 0;
_clxDriver2.IPAddress = "";
_clxDriver2.Port = 44819; //wrong port number
_clxDriver2.ProcessorSlot = 0;
_clxDriver.ComError += _clxDriver_ComError;
_clxDriver.Subscribe(tagName, 1, 1000, _clxDriver_CallBack); //this should be working but _clxDriver_ComError returns Error