i have an EIP driver other then AdvancedHMI, which allows me read data by Class, Instance and Attribute. This driver has parameters:
IPAdress, Port, Class, Instance, Attribute and return array of bytes (or write array of bytes to device by the same parameters).
So, my question sounds:
Is there a simple way, how to realize the same behavior with AdvancedHMI?
What I know:
Im using class CIP, EIPEncapsulation and EPath. But i dont know, how to use this classes for realize my function.
Im LabView programmer using graphical language - this is my code (its quite intuitive
Im getting this error (its LV specific error but may be usable):
Property Node (Arg :1) Error accessing field MfgControl.AdvancedHMI.Drivers.CIP.EIPEncap, (System.Reflection.TargetException: Pro pole, které není statické, je požadován cíl.)
Thanks for answer