The driver only works with signed 16 bit integers, so you will need to convert you hex value to the equivalent signed integer. I found this function on the internet that seems to work well:
Function ConvertHex(ByVal hexVal As String) As Integer
If hexVal(0) >= "8"c Then 'We have a negative value in the 2's complement
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder(hexVal.Length)
For i As Integer = 0 To hexVal.Length - 1
'Convert one hex digit into an Integer
Dim hexDigit As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(hexVal(i), 16)
'Invert and append it as hex digit
sb.Append((15 - hexDigit).ToString("X"))
Next i
'Get the inverted hex number as Integer again
Dim inverted As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(sb.ToString(), 16)
'Add 1 to the inverted number in order to get the 2's complement
Return -(inverted + 1)
Return Convert.ToInt32(hexVal, 16)
End If
End Function