Could be used for a quick read/write access to any address from its collection (which is populated by the user).
The context menu, which pops up on the right-click of the mouse, will have the address selected for the currently shown value, as the attached picture shows.
PLCAddressValue doesn't have to be populated for as long as at least 1 address has been entered in the PLCAddressKeypad collection or unless you wish to see the value of a specific address at startup.
KeypadFontColor will only be applied to the AlphaKeyboard and will not have effect on the Keypad. This since KeypadV2, which is used in the latest editions of AHMI, might have slightly odd "invisible characters" issue until the mouse is hovered over.
This particular version of the modified BasicLabel has new default CommentSeparators value, which is " ~ " (space-tilde-space), as the attached picture shows.
There are some new properties:
- "SetPrefixAsCurrentPLCAddress", so the currently selected address And/Or its description can be seen on the label along with the value (this is determined by another new property "SetPrefixAs"), as the attached picture shows
- "SetReadOnlyMode" property which prevents writes thus has the BasicLabel only show the value of the currently selected PLCAddress
As of this last edit, which also included new picture and updated file, since Archie has updated drivers for string reading/writing then you should stick with the file from this post and just read the rest of the posts in this topic so you can understand how everything evolved with the time.
It is sufficient to just add this new control as existing item to the PurchasedControls folder inside the AdvancedHMIControls project, close all open forms and rebuild the solution.