If you wish to create your own version of the Interface, this is the current:
Public Interface IComComponent
Function Subscribe(ByVal plcAddress As String, ByVal numberOfElements As Int16, ByVal pollRate As Integer, ByVal callback As EventHandler(Of Common.PlcComEventArgs)) As Integer
Function Unsubscribe(ByVal id As Integer) As Integer
Function BeginRead(ByVal startAddress As String, ByVal numberOfElements As Integer) As Integer
Function Read(ByVal startAddress As String, ByVal numberOfElements As Integer) As String()
Function BeginWrite(ByVal startAddress As String, ByVal numberOfElements As Integer, ByVal dataToWrite() As String) As Integer
Function Write(ByVal startAddress As String, ByVal dataToWrite As String) As Integer ' String
Property DisableSubscriptions() As Boolean
End Interface