I know this is a little OT, but I hope it's ok...
Several years ago we created a Windows Gadget that looked at 4-digit value from another Brand X HMI application. All the gadget does is display this one value and update it on a regular basis. It still works, but for a couple of reasons, I would like to replace this HMI application with an AdvancedHMI version. The reason I want to use a gadget is to allow anybody with a PC on the network to open and look at the value without having to have the AdvancedHMI program loaded.
The value I need to watch is generated in an AB PLC and I have created a single page AdvancedHMI application that sees the value using EthernetIPforCLXcom. I added a SimpleWebServer and am able to see the running application on the development PC using IExplorer on another PC. The problem I can't figure how to get the gadget to see the value. With the old Brand X HMI application we were able to simply use the
http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/ address. That doesn't seem to work for the new application.
Anybody have knowledge of gadgets and how I might be able to see my AdvancedHMI value with one?