The error code results from a response packet that contains no data. It could be a success packet from the write command. I won't have access to an Omron PLC until next week to test it.
I will make the Writing accept True/False in the next release. In the mean time, you can modify FINSBaseCom.vb to do it. Go to line 570 and modify the code to this:
'* Bit level writing clears bit 7
Dim MemoryAreaCode As Byte = address.MemoryAreaCode
If MemoryAreaCode > &H80 AndAlso address.BitsPerElement = 1 Then
MemoryAreaCode -= CByte(&H80)
'* Convert True/False to 1/0
For index = 0 To dataToWrite.Length - 1
If dataToWrite(index).IndexOf("true", 0, dataToWrite(index).Length, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0 Then
dataToWrite(index) = "1"
ElseIf dataToWrite(index).IndexOf("false", 0, dataToWrite(index).Length, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0 Then
dataToWrite(index) = "0"
End If
End If