I'm a lite user of AdvancedHMI and wanted to start logging some value(s) (up to 10 per timestamp from a AB SLC 500 addresses N7:xx or F8:xx) to a local text file periodically.
I tried Datalogger2 - could not get it to create or write to a file - tried manipulating a lots of the properties.. file name in quotes, not it quotes, etc
I did get Datalogger1 to write a singe value per timestamp to file with minimal set-up
Tried Datalogger2 with exact same property values, did not work
Any ideas what may be preventing Datalogger2 from working (ie creating/writing data to file)?
Are there any instructions or a set-up guide for datalogger 1 or 2
Datalogger 1 would be ok for me, but I can't see how to log more than one value per timestamp.