Thanks for replies guys. I will try with a basic label and try different adresses. And yes, I also found the addressing to be very strange indeed. Will be trying some things in the meantime and update if I figure anything out.
Edit: I tried with a basic label and different addresses.
00001 gives "Illega function"
10001 gives "Illegal data address"
20001 gives "Invalid Address 20001 - Invalid first digit in address" obviously
30001 gives "Slave device failure"
40001 gives "Illegal data value" as usual
According to tech support the way the PLC does addressing is:
PFC-OUT 0-31999: FC3, FC4, FC23, FC66
PFC-IN 32000-63999: FC3, FC4, FC6, FC16, FC23, FC66
Not really sure how this correlates to the way AdvancedHMI does its addressing, but I came across this thread.