I opened VS Installer on one PC and it had some updates, so I opened it on my other PC to update it and it shows empty - no VS installed at all, nothing to update.
I have VS2019 and VS2022 Community installed and they both run, just Installer says no.
Go to Microsoft's Developers forum and there are posts from others of the exact same thing, but microsoft immediately closes them because they didn't run a Collector program and include the zip file in their post.
I ran the Collector and posted the result and the answer I am getting now is I deleted a folder in either ProgramData\... \VS or one in AppData\Local\ .....\VS
With so many posts of the exact thing this has to be a VS problem, or a Windows Update problem in my thinking.
Has anyone else had this come up?
Microsoft's clever answer is to delete all the VS folders in ProgramData, AppData and Program Files (86) completely and do a complete reinstallation. Since I install most of the components of VS each install takes over 8 hours, and then has to go through its First Time Ran routine., plus lose all the Recent projects links.