Good morning,
I'm hoping someone within the community can assist me as I am almost out of hair to pull. I have created a program with my Arduino Mega to send Modbus data to my Advanced HMI program. This is to verify various harness' are connected to a motor and also monitor temp and humidity with the Arduino and raspberry Pi 4. During the trial testing, everything works fine with Windows 10 but when I try using the Advanced HMI program using Mono in my Raspberry Pi (command: mono AdvancedHMI.exe) the displays appear but no data. I have made changes in the ModbusRTUCom1 setting to use /dev/ttyACM0 as my Port name, and confirmed the baud rate (115200, 8, N, 1). My PLC address range is from 40000 - 40022.
I have found on some forums that Mono can only read from TCP/IP and not from RTU via Serial. Is this true and if so is there an alternative to using Mono in Raspberry Pi to run the Advanced HMI application? I have also tried creating a program in python to act as a translator between the Arduino and the Pi but to no avail. I hope there is a solution that someone has come across.
Arduino Code:
#include "DEV_Config.h"
#include <modbus.h>
#include <modbusDevice.h>
#include <modbusRegBank.h>
#include <modbusSlave.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <DFRobot_DHT11.h>
DFRobot_DHT11 DHT;
//All of the data accumulated will be stored here
modbusDevice regBank;
//Create the modbus slave protocol handler
modbusSlave slave;
// Analog inputs
const int analogPin1 = 0;
const int analogPin2 = 1;
const int analogPin3 = 2;
const int analogPin4 = 3;
const int analogPin5 = 4;
const int analogPin6 = 5;
// Digital outputs
const int outPin1 = 3;
const int outPin2 = 5;
const int outPin3 = 6;
const int outPin4 = 4;
// Temp sensor parameters for Arduino and Pi F & C
#define DHT11_PIN_A 28
#define DHT11_PIN_R 29
float TempF_Ard = 0;
float TempC_Ard = 0;
float TempF_Pi = 0;
float TempC_Pi = 0;
int CabFan;
void setup()
//Assign the modbus device ID.
modbus registers follow the following format
00001-09999 Digital Outputs, A master device can read and write to these registers
10001-19999 Digital Inputs, A master device can only read the values from these registers
30001-39999 Analog Inputs, A master device can only read the values from these registers
40001-49999 Analog Outputs, A master device can read and write to these registers
Assign the modbus device object to the protocol handler
This is where the protocol handler will look to read and write
register data. Currently, a modbus slave protocol handler may
only have one device assigned to it.
slave._device = ®Bank;
// Initialize the serial port for coms at 9600 baud
//Add Analog Output registers 40001-40020 to the register bank
regBank.add(40001); // Connector, Connect LED on Display
regBank.add(40002); // Connector
regBank.add(40003); // Connector
regBank.add(40004); // Connector
regBank.add(40005); // Connector (Not used for testing
regBank.add(40006); // Connector (Not used for testing
regBank.add(40007); // Not Used
regBank.add(40008); // Pass Display Indicator
regBank.add(40009); // Fail Display Indicator
regBank.add(40010); // Power LED on Display
regBank.add(40011); // Arduino temp F
regBank.add(40012); // Arduino humidity
regBank.add(40013); // Arduino temp C
regBank.add(40014); // Rasp Pi temp F
regBank.add(40015); // Rasp Pi humidity
regBank.add(40016); // Rasp Pi temp C
regBank.add(40017); // Connector, Raw data
regBank.add(40018); // Connector, Raw data
regBank.add(40019); // Connector, Raw data
regBank.add(40020); // Connector, Raw data
regBank.add(40021); // Connector, Raw data
regBank.add(40022); // Connector, Raw data
// Serial.print("Only USE_SPI_4W, Please revise DEV_config.h !!!");
// Digital Outputs for LED lights
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
// Digital Inputs for reading continunity
pinMode(22, INPUT);
pinMode(23, INPUT);
pinMode(24, INPUT);
pinMode(25, INPUT);
pinMode(26, INPUT);
pinMode(27, INPUT);
digitalWrite(22, HIGH);
digitalWrite(23, HIGH);
digitalWrite(24, HIGH);
digitalWrite(25, HIGH);
digitalWrite(26, HIGH);
digitalWrite(27, HIGH);
digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
void loop()
regBank.set(40001,1); // Connector, Connect LED on Display
regBank.set(40002,2); // Connector
regBank.set(40003,3); // Connector
regBank.set(40004,4); // Connector
regBank.set(40005,5); // Connector (Not used. No direct connect)
regBank.set(40006,6); // Connector (Not used. No direct connect)
regBank.set(40007,7); // Not used. Spare
regBank.set(40008,8); // Pass Display Indicator
regBank.set(40009,9); // Fail Display Indicator
regBank.set(40010,10); // Power On Display Indicator
regBank.set(40011,11); // Arduino temp F
regBank.set(40012,12); // Arduino humidity
regBank.set(40013,13); // Arduino temp C
regBank.set(40014,14); // Rasp Pi temp F
regBank.set(40015,15); // Rasp Pi humidity
regBank.set(40016,16); // Arduino temp C
regBank.set(40017,17); // Connector, Raw Data
regBank.set(40018,18); // Connector, Raw data
regBank.set(40019,19); // Connector, Raw data
regBank.set(40020,20); // Connector, Raw data
regBank.set(40021,21); // Connector, Raw data
regBank.set(40022,22); // Connector, Raw data
regBank.set(40010, 1); // Power LED on Display
// Temp and Humidity sensors for Arduino and Pi;
TempF_Ard = ((DHT.temperature*1.+32); // Arduinio conversion from C to F "This is a math formula (DHT.Temperature x 1.8+32) not emoji"
TempC_Ard = DHT.temperature; // Arduino Temp C
regBank.set(40011, TempF_Ard); // Arduino temp F
regBank.set(40012, DHT.humidity); // Arduino humidity
regBank.set(40013, TempC_Ard); // Arduino Temp C;
TempF_Pi = ((DHT.temperature*1.+32); // Rasp conversion from C to F "This is a math formula DHT.Temperature x 1.8+32) not emoji"
TempC_Pi = DHT.temperature;
regBank.set(40014, TempF_Pi); // Arduino temp F
regBank.set(40015, DHT.humidity); // Arduino humidity
regBank.set(40016, TempC_Pi); // Arduino Temp C
// C1YE01-EVC Connector, Connect LED on Display
int reading1 = analogRead(analogPin1);
float voltage1 = reading1 / 204.6;
regBank.set(40017, voltage1);
if (voltage1 < 1)
regBank.set(40001, 0);
regBank.set(40001, 1);
// C1YT04-EV Connector
int reading2 = analogRead(analogPin2);
float voltage2 = reading2 / 204.6;
regBank.set(40018, voltage2);
if (voltage2 < 1)
regBank.set(40002, 0);
regBank.set(40002, 1);
// C44-EV2 Connector
int reading3 = analogRead(analogPin3);
float voltage3 = reading3 / 204.6;
regBank.set(40019, voltage3);
if (voltage3 < 1)
regBank.set(40003, 0);
regBank.set(40003, 1);
// C1YT17-EV Connector
int reading4 = analogRead(analogPin4);
float voltage4 = reading4 / 204.6;
regBank.set(40020, voltage4);
if (voltage4 < 1)
regBank.set(40004, 0);
regBank.set(40004, 1);
// Actuation of Pass or Fail relays
if ((voltage1 > 4.7) && (voltage2 > 4.7) && (voltage3 > 4.7) && (voltage4 > 4.7)) // && (voltage5 > 4.7) && (voltage6 > 4.7))
digitalWrite(outPin1, LOW); // Fail LED
regBank.set(40009, 1); // Fail Display Indicator
digitalWrite(outPin2, LOW); // Pass LED
regBank.set(40008, 1); // Pass Display Indicator
digitalWrite(outPin3, HIGH); // Connect to Harness LED
else if ((voltage1 < 1) && (voltage2 < 1) && (voltage3 < 1) && (voltage4 < 1)) // && (voltage5 < 1) && (voltage6 < 1))
digitalWrite(outPin1, LOW); // Fail LED
regBank.set(40009, 1); // Fail Display Indicator
digitalWrite(outPin2, HIGH); // Pass LED
regBank.set(40008, 0); // Pass Display Indicator
digitalWrite(outPin3, LOW); // Connect to Harness LED
digitalWrite(outPin1, HIGH); // Fail LED
regBank.set(40009, 0); // Fail Display Indicator
digitalWrite(outPin2, LOW); // Pass LED
regBank.set(40008, 1); // Pass Display Indicator
digitalWrite(outPin3, LOW); // Connect to Harness LED
// Driver_Delay_ms(250);
}Thanks in advance.