Thank you bobbh95,
I was able to get the name finally.
So now it's on to the processing.
Here is the code I use...
Private Sub Sta1Error_DataChanged(sender As Object, e As MfgControl.AdvancedHMI.Drivers.Common.PlcComEventArgs) Handles _
Sta1Error.DataChanged, Sta2Error.DataChanged, Sta3Error.DataChanged, Sta4Error.DataChanged, Sta5Error.DataChanged _
, Sta6Error.DataChanged, Sta7Error.DataChanged, Sta8Error.DataChanged
Count = 0
Data = sender.PLCAddressValueItems.Item(0).Name
StaData = Mid(Data, 1, 4)
Select Case StaData
Case = "Sta1"
i = 103
q = 105
Case = "Sta2"
i = 121
q = 123
Case = "Sta3"
i = 139
q = 141
Case = "Sta4"
i = 157
q = 160
Case = "Sta5"
i = 175
q = 178
Case = "Sta6"
i = 193
q = 196
Case = "Sta7"
i = 211
q = 214
Case = "Sta8"
i = 229
q = 232
End Select
Using EP As New ExcelPackage(New FileInfo(Local & TackStationXl))
Dim WS As ExcelWorksheet = EP.Workbook.Worksheets("Alarms")
FirstBlankRow = WS.Dimension.Rows + 1
For x = i To q
If TackStation.Read("MP3300:I.Data[" & x & "]") <> 0 Then
There is more but it is repeat code.
The Problem that I am seeing is that the Datasubsriber2 only fires for Sta1Error.DataChanged and Sta2Error.DataChanged. I do not ever see the other stations fire when one of the defined bits are triggered in the PLC.
Anyone know why the other Datasubscriber2's do not get captured? Is there a limit to the number of Handles I can have on a sub?
Any Help would be great.