Since you are getting weird results all together, I am thinking that there might be some corruption on your computer or in your program or with cabling.
I could be wrong as well.
I feel like this Is just an Advanced HMI problem, If I change the numeric format it kinda helps and changes the format to 27.8 but if I do 00.0 it displays 278 amps which is obviously wrong. I'm using modbus TCP so there isn't any problems with cabling there. Im sure If I delete the entire program and just leave the modbus RTU read command for the vfd ill get the same results. The only thing I could think of Is im using an Ethernet cable that I cut up for the modbus + and -, So maybe theres some interference there going on? either that or I am using a 16 bit integer, maybe I need to use a 32 bit? I have no clue
What numbers do you get if you don't use NumericFormat and change ValueScaleFactor to 0.1 and then 0.01?
400007 register should be integer value and I would expect BasicLabel to show 256 instead of 256.0 (I might be wrong about this).
If I leave numeric format empty and put scale factor to 0.1 It changes the decimal to 29.0, If i change scale factor to 0.01 it changes it to 290 or something like that. it either changes it to 290 or just 01.
Just a reminder the motor is 1 HP at 4.8 amps max at 240V so obviously 29.0 isnt correct. I do have the tag set to 16 bit integer so.