There is a way to display a value that is stored in BCD format, but it is a little involved. This requires modifying the control to intercept the value from the PLC and convert it.
1) In the Solution Explorer, under the Controls folder, right click DigitalPanelMeter.vb and select View Code.
2) Go to about line 322 and look for this code:
Private Sub PolledDataReturnedValue(ByVal Values() As String)
MyBase.Value = Values(0)
DisplayError("INVALID VALUE RETURNED!" & Values(0))
End Try
End Sub
3) Modify the code like this:
Private Sub PolledDataReturnedValue(ByVal Values() As String)
'* Extract the individual bytes from the word
Dim b() As Byte = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(CInt(Values(0)))
'* Break out the nibbles and convert to BCD
Dim BCD As Integer = (b(0) And 15) + ((b(0) >> 4) * 10)
BCD += ((b(1) And 15) * 100) + ((b(1) >> 4) * 1000)
MyBase.Value = BCD
DisplayError("INVALID VALUE RETURNED!" & Values(0))
End Try
End Sub