Dear Archie,
Is there any solution to handle redundant communication?
For example there are 2 ModbusTCP communications.
When no.1 is primary, CommComponent in all components will be ModbusTCPCom1.
When no.2 is primary, CommComponent in all components will be ModbusTCPCom2.
I am thinking about putting Script in Timer:
1. Declaring all components and set its CommComponent according to primary indication
Bottleneck: if there are a lot of components, the script will be very long
2. Modify ModbusTCPCom IP Address based on primary indication.
So, there will be only 1 ModbusTCPCom instantiated in the program.
Bottleneck: not sure if this solution is feasible. And, if CommComponent is different (example TCP and RTU), this solution might not work.
Best regards,