For anybody who might find it useful, here is my way of creating a quick chart using built-in Windows chart control.
It should be fairly easy to replicate it using Visual Studio, just look at the pictures attached, don't rename any of those controls, and use the code as is. Place the attached log file to the root of the drive C: and run the program.
The idea behind this is to create a copy of the log file, read all the recorded data and graph it (the chart supports selecting specific region and ZOOM IN/OUT once in that region). The graph would be static and could be used for quick analysis.
The code might not be perfect, could have bugs and lack error handling so use it AS IS. This is more of an idea than solution.
Modify parameters as you see it fit, add or remove features and just play with it. Read comments placed in the code to understand a bit better what the code does (not necessarily that it is 100% accurate).
It could be created as a separate page in any AdvancedHMI project.
IF YOU DO MANAGE TO GET TO THE LAST POST IN THIS TOPIC THEN GOOD THINGS MIGHT HAPPEN (just kidding but you will see the evolution of this small project and if you ever find a use for it that will make me happy).