Configuring a DataSubscriber2 with a CSV file

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Using a Comma Separated Text File to Configure a DataSubscriber2

This walk-through will show how to configure the list of PLCAddressVaueItems in a DataSubscriber using a text file.

1) In Solution Explorer, right click the AdvancedHMI project and select Add->New Item
2) From the list select Text File
3) Name the text file MyConfigFile.txt and click the Add button
4) In Solution Explorer, click the new file once to select it
5) In the Properties Window change Copy To Output Directory to Copy If Newer
6) In Solution Explorer double click the file to edit
7) Add these lines to the file:


8) In Solution Explorer under the AdvancedHMI project, double click MainForm to show design view
9) From the Toolbox ad a DataSubscriber2
10) Double click on a blank area of the MainForm to get to the FormLoad event handler
11) Add this code:

       '* Start initializing the Datasubscriber to prevent subscribing until all items added
       '* Open the configuration file
       Using sw As New System.IO.StreamReader("MyConfigFile.txt")
           Dim LineFromFile As String
           Dim Settings() As String
           Dim NewPLCAddressItem As MfgControl.AdvancedHMI.Drivers.PLCAddressItem
           While Not sw.EndOfStream
               '* Read a line from the file
               LineFromFile = sw.ReadLine
               '* Split into comma separated items
               Settings = LineFromFile.Split(",")
               '* Create a new PLCAddresItem to setup and add to the list
               NewPLCAddressItem = New MfgControl.AdvancedHMI.Drivers.PLCAddressItem
               NewPLCAddressItem.PLCAddress = Settings(0)
               If Settings.Length > 1 Then
                   NewPLCAddressItem.ScaleFactor = CDbl(Settings(1))
               End If
               If Settings.Length > 2 Then
                   NewPLCAddressItem.ScaleOffset = CDbl(Settings(2))
               End If
               '* Add the new item to the datasubscriber
           End While
       End Using
       '* Allow the Datasubscriber to proceed