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EthernetIPforCLXCom - ReadUDT

Used to write all data to a UDT in as few packets as possible using a Structure or Class that mimics the UDT. This is an extremely fast and efficient method to write a large amount of mixed data. NOTE : Requires Version 3.99x or higher

ControlLogix to .NET Data Type Equivalent

DINT Int32
LINT Int64
INT Int16
BOOL Boolean
REAL Single
LREAL Double

Code Samples

'* Writing all UDT data
'* First a Class or Structure is needed to hold the data
'* This Class/Structure must mimic the UDT

Public Class MyUDT
   Public DINTTag As Int32
   Public LINTTag As Int64
End Structure

Dim MyStructureInstance as MyUDT
MyStructureInstance=EthernetIPForCLXCom1.ReadUDT(of MyUDT)("MyUDTTag",1)

More code samples can be found here: