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Basic Button

This control is a general purpose button with multiple functions.

ComComponent Points to the driver instance for reading its values through
PLCAddressHighlightX If OutputType is set to WriteValue, then this should point to an integer register. When the register value matches the value in ValueToWrite, the button will change to the HighlightColor. Otherwise it should point to a Boolean register that is used to select when to change the color to that specified in HighlightColor
PLCAddressClick A Boolean or integer register which is set True/False or to the value define in ValueToWrite property. If OutputType is set to WriteValue, then an integer is expected, otherwise a Boolean is expected.
PLCAddressSelectTextAlternate A Boolean register which when True will switch the button text to that defined in TextAlternate.
PLCAddressEnabled A Boolean register which will allow the button to be clicked when True.
PLCAddressText A String register to allow the PLC to set the button text.

Examples of usage:

1) A Start cycle button
2) Using a group of buttons to select one of multiple states using PLCAddressHighlightX, OutputType=WriteValue, PLCAddressClick, and ValueToWrite.